Angel Coaston, PhD, RN, FNP, PHN


Areas of Expertise :

Dr. Angela Coaston has been a registered nurse for over 30 years with an expertise in hospital systems and community-based and faith-based care. She has served in several capacities, including leadership development, strategic partnerships, operations, management, training, grant writing and grant management. She is active in the community and is highly motivated and passionate to improve and foster change within healthcare systems, faith communities and communities at large. She has numerous affiliations and established connections with the health industry and utilizes effective communication to cultivate relationships and partnerships.

Angela started her career as a pediatric nurse and then moved into emergency nursing and pediatric emergency nursing. In the emergency room, Angela began her professional development in leadership and was trained in leadership communication, management, team building, innovation and experience design.

As the consultant and former CEO/Executive Director of the Well of Healing Mobile Medical Clinic for more than 20 years, Angela led a team of volunteers providing free primary care services to homeless, uninsured, and underinsured community members in San Bernardino County. Her volunteer leadership role has supported and encouraged faith communities to engage congregates to serve their local community with purpose and intention. She has developed partnerships with universities and health systems creating a professional and future healthcare workforce pool of volunteers for the Free Mobile Health Clinic. As an accomplished grant writer, she has secured well over a million dollars to support the clinic’s operations.

Angela was the Executive Director of Case Management and Transitional Care Management and the Manager of Community Health Development at Loma Linda University Medical Center. Her role as Director and Manager was to plan, develop and implement innovations to bridge the gap in the care continuum across the healthcare system. She led the efforts for designing Loma Linda University Medical Center’s Transitional Care and bundled-payment initiative, creating a new service of care for high-risk patients, information technology enhancement, and electronic health record integration within the system and into the community where the patient lives.

For more than 10 years, she served as a full-time faculty member with administrative responsibilities in university settings, where she brings innovations to nursing schools in the areas of population health and school-based, community-based, and faith-based nursing. She also taught cultural competency in health care to graduate-level nurse practitioners with an emphasis on understanding the culture of homelessness.

Dr. Coaston currently serves as the Associate Dean of Community Academic Practice Partnerships at California Baptist University, as a hospital board of trustee at two local hospitals and on a nonprofit board of directors for two local community-based organizations. She is active with her church and is on the Fontana mayor’s list of influential women in her community. She is also a consultant for organizations seeking to improve the health of communities with individuals who lack access to health care.

Education :

  • PhD, University of California, San Francisco
  • School Nurse Credential, Azusa Pacific University
  • MSN/FNP, Western University of Health Sciences
  • BSN, University of Phoenix